
"Don't let age pull you down from achieving your dreams, I'm 12"

About me

Artur Bernardo Scuro (born October 18th, 2011), professionally known as kidprod, is a singer-songwriter and music producer based in Montreal, Canada. 

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The place where you can find links to my social media :

Business Inquiries

For artists : Specify your artist name and what style/technique you specialize in. (Ex. singing, rapping, background vocals, etc.)

For sound engineers (mixing and mastering) : Send some of your work with a "before" and "after" of your skills being applied to any given song belonging to any artist. 

For labels : Please use only email and specify the exact terms of your proposition. DO NOT LEAVE ANYTHING OUT OF YOUR EMAIL. 

Email address 

Instagram username


Discord username


** Do not send friend request, just DM. (My account is open) **

Images provided by kidprod

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